Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So I've been up to nothing but fun....but what else is new!

Besides hanging out at home and having fun. My Mommy has been taking me to lots of fun places like the zoo, beach and going to see friends and family.

Below are some pictures of my adventures. Enjoy!

My new ride

I like to help Mommy water the plants

Being silly like always

SF Zoo - Everett & I

Mommy & Baby snuggling....reminds me of me & my Mommy

This ostrich was playing peek a boo with me....silly ostrich

One of the monkeys kept hiding under the blanket....silly monkey

My favorite part of the zoo....the train ride....choo choo

Going for a camel ride

Just being a cheese ball

Doing my daily artwork

Its just a lil cold

Getting toasty & playing in the sand

Posing with my cuz

Enjoying a tasty treat

Blowing bubbles with my Daddy

Posing with our ouches

Enjoying the sun rays

Too cool for school (my future is so bright I gotta wear shades)

Hanging out with Kylie for her birthday

Kylie, Alexis & Me

Jac0b & I are spending a Day Out with Thomas....CHOO CHOO!!

My first tat

Taking a ride on Jacob's Thomas the Train

Playing ball with Jacob

Dump truck racing with Jacob